(Re) Discovering my love of Photography

First Impressions My first experience was using my dad’s 35mm Asahi Pentax Spotmatic SLR when I was around 10 years old. It was a manual film camera. You had to load the film, wind the film, focus on the objects, adjust the shutter speed and aperture and the take the photos. And till they were…

About this Blog

Several years ago, driven by a passion for DIY projects and an innate desire to create, I laid the foundation for this blog. It began as a personal journal, capturing the nuances of every project, and serving as a reservoir of knowledge to share with friends and family who often sought my advice. Each post…

About Me

Hello, dear reader! As a hands-on parent with an insatiable curiosity, I frequently find myself at the crossroads of parenting adventures and personal exploration. My life, much like many of yours, is a whirlwind of moments – some challenging, others enlightening, but all worth experiencing. This blog has blossomed from my desire to delve deeper…