Installing a Mantle

After many years, and many projects, I was reminded that I had not yet set up the mantle. A few years back, I had bought some wood, thinking I would make my own mantle. Well, that wood is still sitting in my basement 🙂

Was killing time on Amazon… and chanced upon a distressed wood mantle by Pearl. The price was in my range, and after a bit of thought and measuring, I purchased it.

The mantle came really well packed in a huge box weighing 80lb’s!!! We barely lugged it in. The individual parts were nicely packed.


We put it to our fireplace, and realized, a bit of trimming was required, as it was a bit too tall.  Made some measurements, and then took the leg’s to the garage. Some cuts with the circular saw, some with the hand saw and some filing later, I was ready to put it up.



Next thing was to screw in the retaining frame on the wall with drywall screws.


OOPS!!! not centered. Off by half an inch. Got some cutting to do.


Some final touch-up and here you… 2 days of hard work. Doesn’t look to shabby does it?
